My Work
Hello, my name is directrix1. I am passionate
about software and technology in general. I got my first computer at the age
of 7 years old in 1987. It was an original IBM PC. My dad typed in a simple
program from a book when I was about 8, and that was all that I needed to
have my interest sparked. I've been programming ever since. I became friends
with several people that liked programming in middle school, and I've been
working professionally making a wide variety of software for what was our
family business since I was 15.
In addition to desktop and web software. I have been pretty interested and
active in embedded electronics system design and programming with ATMEL,
OMAP, and many other SoCs. Using this knowledge my friend and I have
developed and produced a
fully programmable sand plotter table with a programmable LED controller
of my own design based around an ATTINY8 and a newer version with custom
motor controllers running on the embedded CPUs of the BeagleBone Black.
Work Experience
- Syncsoft, LLC. dba OKCdev (2014-present):
Cofounder, Software Engineer, Embedded Software Engineer, IT management
- Ag-Boost (2015-present): primary
frontend webapp, phone app, and backend engineer.
- CDF, Inc. (1995-2015) created:
- realtime workflow software
- reporting subsystems
- website interface
- AR statement software
- Multi-datastore synchronization software
- PicsOnPages (2008-2013): created photo order software and backend workflow
- Heavenly Photos (2003-2005): created embedded software for tethered cameras,
print rendering and ordering server and website
- B.A.Sc. Computer Science in 2011 from University of Oklahoma
- Associates Computer Science in 2009 from Oklahoma City Community College
- AP Scholar
Languages, Libraries, & Frameworks
In order from most recently to least recently used:
- Python (Django, Kivy, PyGame) - made personal website using Django, have
developed cross-platform graphical phone/desktop interfaces in Kivy,
made an open source embedded game for inclusion in photo CDs.
- PHP (Laravel, Wordpress, e107) - built several B2B and consumer facing web sites.
- Javascript (Ember, D3, NodeJS, among others) - graphically and data intensive
frontend web apps.
- SQL (PostgreSQL, SQLite, Mysql, MSSQL, Firebird RDBMS) - made several
schemas for most apps mentioned, and maintained optimal running environments.
- C# (Unity) - made
2019 AT&T Magic Leap Hackathon winning prototype VR/AR/Mixed
Reality pharmacy software interface which we called PharmaLeap.
- various *nix shell scripting languages - made backup and easy admin routines.
- C/C++ (embedded systems) - coded various embedded system interfaces
including GPS access system, realtime sandplotter motor controller software,
reactive tethered camera interface software.
- Delphi / Turbo Pascal - made many industry specific data entry and workflow
management utility programs.
- Java - made basic web app interface to local Intranet data
- Visual Basic / QuickBasic - made small utility programs and games as a child / young adult.
Open Source Contributions